ІІ Targi Międzynarodowe
– główne wydarzenie kolejowe w formacie B2B, łączące szerokie i wąskie rozstawy torów
The Research and Production Enterprise “HARTRON-EXPRESS LTD” is a Ukraine’s leading supplier of complex automated control, monitoring and diagnostics systems of electrical equipment for railway vehicles, metro and urban electric vehicles.
HARTRON-EXPRESS LTD designs, produces and supplies electrical equipment, as well as it provides warranty and post-warranty services.
Being customer-oriented and open for mutually beneficial cooperation, the company is always ready to offer the best technical solutions to meet customers’ needs and requirements. Since 1999, HARTRON-EXPRESS LTD has been engaged in the development and production of electrical equipment such as control, monitoring, diagnostics and warning systems for passenger cars, traction and self-propelled rolling stock, as well as metro and urban electric vehicles.
“KIEVGUMA” produces around 4 thousand products made of rubber, latex, silicone, PVC, plastic applicable for any field of the national economy, wide range of medical products and products for kids. The products are supplied to all regions of Ukraine and to 30 countries of the world.
Alstom, a strategic partner for the Ukrainian market.
Leading societies to a low carbon future, Alstom develops and markets mobility solutions for the future of transportation. Alstom’s product portfolio ranges from high-speed trains, metros, monorail and trams to integrated systems, customised services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions. Alstom has 150,000 vehicles in commercial service worldwide. The company is present in 70 countries and employs 70,000 people. In 2018 Alstom signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UZ for e-locos and opened a representative office in Kyiv. The company also has a regional signalling & infrastructure engineering centre in Kharkiv. Alstom is interested to work with Ukrainian suppliers for its worldwide activities.
Aurum Group
Enterprises of the Aurum Group perform a full range of works related to railway engineering. They are: design and production of main-line freight cars such as open-top wagons, wagons for pellets, grain carriers, hopper-dispensers, platforms, dump car wagons, as well as spare parts for all wagons mentioned above. In addition, enterprises of the Aurum Group carry out depot, current and major repairs. Products of the Aurum Group enterprises are certified for the use on the 1,520 mm gauge.
Closed Joint-Stock Company Osipovichi Transport Engineering Works
Closed Joint-Stock Company Osipovichi Transport Engineering Works is a dynamically developing enterprise which steadily unleashes its potential to further sustainable growth. The sole shareholder of the company is the Transport Republican Unitary Enterprise Mogilev Branch of the Belarusian Railway.
Osipovichi Transport Engineering Works is a modern high-tech enterprise involved in the railway industry. It specializes in production of heavy-duty platform cars and tank containers meant for transportation of a wide range of goods.
CRRC Corporation Limited (CRRC) is the world’s largest supplier of rail transit equipment with the most complete product lines and leading technologies. The main businesses of the company cover R&D, design, manufacture, repair, sale, lease and technical services for rolling stock, urban rail transit vehicles, engineering machinery, all types of electrical equipment, electronic equipment and parts, electric products and environmental protection equipment, as well as consulting services, industrial investment and management, asset management, import and export.
JSC Dneprovagonmash – is one of the leading enterprises of Ukraine and the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States. It produces freight cars for main railways and different industries designing and manufacturing. The main advantage of JSC Dneprovagonmash elaborations is correspondence with peculiarities and specific exploitation terms – the product alignment to the Market and the Customer demands satisfaction. The experience of design group, the modern design measures and the flexible production technology assists it. The confirmation to abovementioned – 150 freight car models on the enterprise credit side and the widest set of produced output among car-builders in Ukraine and the countries of Commonwealth of Independent States.
Starting from 1898, Dniprovagonrembud has been involved in repair, modernization and production of railway rolling stock. Since 1948, the company has focused on repair of passenger cars and components. To expand the product range, Dniprovagonrembud launched production of gondola cars model 12-9790 in 2011. Simultaneously the company started dealing with capital and depot repairs of freight cars – gondola cars; covered cars; hopper cars for grain, mineral fertilizers, cement, coke, hot iron ore fines; tanks; platforms; hopper dispensers; dump trucks.
Experimental Mechanical plant «Karpaty», LLC
Experimental Mechanical plant «Karpaty», LLC is a Ukrainian modern car building enterprise. The company is mainly dealing with building of freight cars, repairs of rolling stock, manufacturing of tank containers, tanks, metal structures and tower vehicles. Technical excellence of the production process, team of professionals and experience we gained by working on the international arena are among the most important competitive advantages of our company. The distinguishing feature of our company is the ability of quick readjustment to new products.
Hi-Bond Bearings Pvt. Ltd.
Hi-Bond Bearings Pvt. Ltd. is the authoritative Indian manufacturer of bearings and bushes for various types of engines and turbines. Our company produces all types of components for diesel locomotives, built in both modern times and the former Soviet Union. Keeping it space with the time,
Hi-bond is having another wave of intense development and expansion, turning its eyes towards Ukraine as one of the promising markets. Prices, quality and terms are basic principles underpinning our business. Representative of Hi-bond in Ukraine – Nikita Malygin.
Işık Plastik
Işık Plastik continues to grow rapidly with its 250+ employees, machine park equipped with the latest technology and enormous production capacity. Founded in 1988, Işık Plastik has been continuing its production since 2000 in its own factory with a total area of 22.689m2 and a closed area of 15.467m2 located in the Gebze Organized Industrial Zone. Company has made investments in plastic and industrial plates made of plastic. Işık Plastik is justified with its uninterrupted and quality service in many sectors such as outdoor advertising, display, construction, greenhouse, lighting, white goods, security, automotive, furniture and sound barrier. Within the scope of growth targets, Işık-2 factory construction, which is continuing in Gebze Organized Industrial Zone, will be completed in March 2021 and will start production in August 2021 with its new products, Mirror plate and Scratchproof sheet.
Kryukovsky Railway Car Building Works
Kryukovsky Railway Car Building Works is the largest manufacturer of vehicles in Ukraine. The production program of the enterprise is the development and manufacture of a wide range of main freight and passenger cars, high-speed electric trains, diesel trains, subway cars, floor and tunnel escalators, municipal equipment, spare parts and accessories for all manufactured products. The enterprise management system is certified according to ISO, ISO TS, DSTU standards.
Petrosoft.ua was founded basing on the experience and technical potential of Petrosoft.pl (Poland) and Dniprotechtrans (Ukraine) to work on the markets of Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Asia and to deal with the development and implementation of high-tech products in the field of modern information systems such as automation of technological processes, logistics, energy efficiency, cost optimization, monitoring of operation and technical condition of rolling stock. In order to achieve optimized production and logistics costs in railway and freight industries, Petrocoft.ua offers comprehensive software and hardware solutions in operation and repair of rolling stock.
Railtex Wagon Exchange
The Railtex Wagon Exchange is an online platform that automates the daily communication processes of shippers and wagon operators, helps to find new partners and establish business relations with them, negotiate prices, complete transactions and receive price analytics on the rail freight market.
Over 50 years of innovation expertise.
Since its founding in 1971 Schwihag has developed into a global leader in the supply of innovative products and system solutions in the fields of railway, switch and track technology. Railway companies all over the world trust in the development expertise, comprehensive consultation for complex projects and the first-class track technology provided by Schwihag. In addition to the company’s headquarters in Tägerwilen, Switzerland, today there are numerous production sites and branches worldwide as well as an international sales network.
The main areas of the activity of Research and Production Enterprise «Techvagonmash» LLC are as follows:
• comprehensive design and equipping of transport machine building
• design and manufacturing of special process equipment for railroad cars
• process equipment for railroad cars repair;
• equipment for the production of towing and attached implements of
commercial vehicles;
• robot-operated welding units;
• shotblasting equipment;
• spray-and-drying cabinets;
• automated storage;
• utility vehicles.
The Journal of Railway Supply
The major task of the Journal of Railway Supply is to help establishing the business relations between producers involved in the railway industry and a buyer. The goal of the Journal is to provide accurate information about Ukrainian producers and suppliers of the entire range of railway products, as well as to acquaint readers with world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of railway products. The articles circle around current trends in rail transport market and touch the history of the development of rail transport in Ukraine.
TriboTec, spol. s r.o.
TRIBOTEC is a Czech manufacturing company concentrating on deliveries of central lubrication systems, hydraulic systems and special systems for rail transport.
As special products for railways TRIBOTEC produces systems of Wheel flange lubrication for trams and locomotives, Sanding systems for trams and locomotives, Top-of-rail lubrication systems and Stationary track lubrication for lubricating rail curves.
In hydraulic systems, the company concentrates on production of hydraulic aggregates in the customer‘s design, including special hydraulic systems for rail vehicles and rail transport.
Both sale and manufacture activities are based on a mutual cooperation and on processing each individual project according to the customer´s demands. The company provides installations and assemblies in the customer´s destination, including commissioning and optimizing the operation, with after-sales service, preventive maintenance and consultations. Its products are designed as a building kit, which enables wide modifications according to the specific technical data without increasing the project´s costs. The company designs all drawings in 3D modelling and has established SW sharing the customer´s documentation in order to implement the models directly in their documentations.
All company activities are realized in conformity with the Quality management system ISO 9001:2015 and Environmental management system ISO 14001:2015.
Vossloh is a globally active, listed technology company with a core focus on rail infrastructure: We provide an integrated offer for rail transportation, all from a single source. This includes unique, high-performance key products and complex systems such as track fastening systems, concrete ties, switch systems, crossings and the innovative services associated with the life cycle of rail tracks.
- Tabor: wagony, lokomotywy, maszyny – produkcja / naprawa / modernizacja
- Infrastruktura i urządzenia torowe: specjalny sprzęt, wyposażenie, narzędzia, komponenty i systemy dla kolei
- Inżynieria: information and communication technologies
Odbędzie się uroczysta ceremonia przyznania tytułów liderom branży kolejowej
Ukrainian Rail Award
Profesjonaliści wybierają najlepszych
Producenci towarów i usług dla kolei prezentują swoje produkty bezpośrednio uczestnikom wystawy, znajdują partnerów (dealerów, inwestorów) i poszerzają rynek zbytu, spotykają się z kontrahentami i dostawcami, testują swoje nowe pomysły i produkty.
Odwiedzający odkryją nowe możliwości rozwoju własnego biznesu.

Alstom, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of railway transport, is open to cooperation with Ukrainian manufacturers and is looking for potential partners. So, Alstom is holding an Exclusive Sourcing Day at the Rail Expo-2018 exhibition.
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