3rd International Conference
“Ukrainian Railways: development and investment”
#ЗалізниціУкраїни #investUArailways #railwayUA
The International Conference held in Kyiv (Ukraine) was dealing with such issues as prospects for rail market liberalization, establishing a competitive environment, the inflow of new players represented by private rolling stock operators.
International Conference that will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine, is dedicated to prospects for rail market liberalization, establishing a competitive environment and inflow of new players, namely private rolling fleet operators.
Follow the links for details:
List of participants
From monopoly to competition on the railway
Strategic initiatives for rail reforms: Launch of rail transport market open to private sector, establishment of a national carrier
Creating favorable conditions for the development of a healthy competition in the rail transport market, following therequirements of the EU legislation
Ukraine Now – competition globally and investment climate
Ukrzaliznytsia in 5 years – changes to be expected and Xs
Competition trends in certain segments of the rail freight market
Prospects for the mutual opening of markets for rail transport between Ukraine and the EU
In search of competitiveness
Future of competitiveness: what is going to change after private rolling stock operators enter the market
Permitted access of private rolling stock to public tracks
Private trains to enter the market: instant and lasting effect for cargo owners
Monopoly right of veto: availability of rail infrastructure and locomotives for shippers
Sector of wagon management
To distribute cars and to meet the demand – features of operating through the AS Mesplan and Prozorro.Sales
Full train traffic VS wagon transportation – market mechanism or market restriction, analysis of consequences and prospects
How private business solves the problem of transportation efficiency – railway business profitability, pain points to diagnose
The audience of the conference chiefly consists of the operators of railway rolling stock, freight forwarders, and cargo owners. The forum circles around the challenges and trends of upcoming developments on the rail market, such as the reform of state monopoly, the inflow of private rolling stock operators, the importance and methods of deepening and developing the relationship with a customer (carrier – operator – cargo owner), the rolling stock renewal, the affective management of railroad traffic, the challenges in railway logistics, the upgrade and operation of rail infrastructure. The forum also touches the specific issues, such as certification of railway products, damage and dismantling of rolling stock, and many other relevant topics.
Halyna Skvortsova (the manager of the project)
tel./fax: +38 056 370 18 32 ext. 259
mob.: +38 (097) 963 28 71, + 38 (066) 222 66 48
e-mail: h.skvortsova@promgruz.com
Dmitriy Kozhevnikov
tel./fax: +38 056 370 18 32 ext. 395
mob.: + 38 (067) 255 00 57, + 38 (095) 008 94 55
e-mail: d.kozhevnikov@promgruz.com